[Pre-production] Animatic_ver2

After listening to different people's opinion, I have modified the story and created another animatic.

Version 2:

This time the story emphasizes on the toy but more establishment of the ballet interest can be added.

Opinion taken for myself:
-wt motivate her to work harder?
-montage: be more hard-working 
exam—> audition  (grown-up)
add growing up montage
  • make things more dramatic & feel the importance (eg. from young to old keep on practicing)
-add more ballet related to the last scene
-draw studio, publish many episodes/ being praised

- add clothes to the transformation
- pace
  • establishment of the character in the very front ==> ballet 
  • Treatment for the breaking: X sound, slow motion, echo, sound change of the BGM?, no need expression
  • Acting for the character: exam: how to show her inner feeling (close-up instead of the medium shot
-make the transformation scene beautiful
-sad & montage too fast

-exam: how she struggle
